Caps from the ABC Promise Partnership
To stay up to date with the growth and any revisions to the ABC Promise Partnership all mentors and drivers MUST like our Green Tree Plastics- ABC Partnership Facebook page. This is necessary for all mentors and drivers to stay up to date and current to any changes as their groups participate in ABC. We update and post on our Facebook page regularly as well as share group stories from around the nation on how they sort, find drivers, structure their program, and how ABC has impacted them and their community. Mentors and drivers can network with others participating in their area to share/donate caps, combine trips, and brainstorm fundraising ideas.
Liking our Facebook page also ensures that you or your group are being mentored properly and the driver will not have to make an unnecessary trip to discover that the groups did not sort properly or that the necessary documentation was not received from the mentor and be refused and sent home to fix any issues, then scheduling to make another trip, or paying disposal and retail fees.
Please remember the first step of the program is to summit your registration form to gain acceptance to participate.
To receive the registration along with all the beginning information on how to begin the ABC PROMISE PARTNERSHIP please email Barbara at barbp@greentreeplastics.com
The ABC PROMISE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM was a cap and lid program specifically designed by school children for school children that began in 2010. It is to be a tool to learn about caring for the earth and green living.
Furthermore, the bench needs to belong to the individual or group that is doing the steps of the ABC PROMISE PARTNERSHIP; it is to be placed where they want it to be placed so they can show others and be proud of what they have accomplished.
The ABC Promise Partnership program was strictly a children program since 2010.
In 2020 more and more individuals, Families, and adult groups were wanting to participate in ABC as well, we decided to open the program up for everyone that wants to learn more about the different types of plastic, how to properly recycle, use the program as a community building program, and to become good earth stewards.
Everyone must follow the same step processes in the ABC PROMISE PARTNERSHIP PACKET.
Barbara will provide this along with the steps to register yourself or your group.
For any family, individual, group or organization to “qualify”, we must have a pledge that 1 mentor will be will be involved by teaching all the steps to the ABC PROMISE PARTNERSHIP: in the collecting, sorting, and weighing. This could be anyone that want to become better earth stewards.
Also, that special “someone” who is responsible for mentoring them should be the one to fill out and sign the registration form indicating the name of the group to be involved.
They will also need to like us on Facebook to stay up to date with all changes or revisions to the ABC Promise Partnership. The mentor listed on the registration form is the only point person, and authorized to communicate all orders, color choices, and scheduled appointments.
Once the registration form is completed email or fax the registration back to us it will be reviewed, approved, and then your file will be started.
Once the mentor receives their acceptance email with the steps to move forward then you or your group will start collecting funding, caps, & lids, along with sorting out the unacceptable from the acceptable, and weighing the caps.
They will decide what item(s) they would like to order, their color choice, and setting their goal weight.
When the group has met their goal weight of acceptable caps and lids, all unacceptable items have been sorted out and removed, and they have decided on their order, the mentor will contact us to place that order. The order must match the acceptable cap weight collected.
Your order will then go back to our production team to be produced. We will discuss scheduling your appointment for dropping off the caps and picking up the item(s) that were ordered. Your groups caps will go into another groups items as another groups caps will go into your order. This is like a pay it forward project as well.
Production needs 2-3 weeks to produce your order. dates will be depending on business demand and available appointment dates.
On your appointment date your driver will arrive to our facility with your collected caps along with the weight delivered, tax exempt form (if you are not tax exempt you will simply pay the Indiana tax), driver’s confirmation invoice, and the payment.
We will unload your caps, load the item(s) that were ordered, and complete paperwork. Appointment times are roughly an hour long depending on cap weight being brought and items being picked up. This saves organizations time from making several trips and transportation costs.
If you deliver more caps than required for your order your driver will return home with any cap overage to hold until your next order is placed. You MAY purchase an additional item at your appointment time to use the overage delivered if additional items are available.
All items are produced as ordered and we do not hold an inventory.
If your cap weight is short the required amount needed for the order you placed, you must make an additional cap drop appointment to remove the negative balance or pay the retail balance.
If your caps arrive in unacceptable condition / unacceptable containers, the caps will be refused, and your driver will be sent back with them along with a paid invoice. The group will have to resort and weigh again to reschedule their pickup appointment.
If the group arrives again with unacceptable caps (not following the step processes and not delivering processable acceptable material) they will pay the retail price difference and a disposal fee at their appointment time to pick up their ordered items.
Please contact us directly with any questions.

Murdock Elementary Sorting Caps & Lids